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Course Description

This program is designed to help you:

  1. Avoid the Tax Preparer Apocalypse. Demand for tax pros who focus on "relatively simple" 1040 tax preparation is declining rapidly. 
  2. Adapt and prosper in the New Era of Tax. Demand for tax pros who focus on helping business tax clients is growing rapidly.
  3. Feel comfortable and confident working with business tax clients.  Life gets way easier and way more profitable when you have the training, tools, and support you need to do business tax work at a high level.  Without the right training, tools, and support, doing this kind of work results in DISASTER.

Your network = your net worth.  Get immediate access to an active, responsive community including CPA Adam Shay, Pronto Tax School Founder Andy Frye, EA, and many other top-notch tax professionals who are achieving success with business tax clients and actually want to help you.


In the Year 2023, Will Clients Who Don't Have a Business Even Use Tax Preparers Anymore?

It's a question worth asking, right?

Because 2023 is not far away, at all.

The market for tax preparation services aimed at W-2 workers, flatlined for years, is declining rapidly.

Over the past three years, according to IRS Filing Statistics, "early season" filing by tax professionals is down 23%.

Perhaps you're already seeing this trend in your own tax business or tax career?

Remember how January used to be an extremely busy and profitable month, and now it's kinda slow?

Do you think that this trend away from W-2 workers using professional tax preparers is going to "stop," or do you think the trend is going to accelerate?

YES, we know that there are some tax professionals who are still growing and successful by focusing on 1040 tax preparation.  Absolutely, there are!  In fact, many of our Pronto Tax School Members are these highly successful "Short Form Warriors."

Nevertheless, I think you would agree, numbers do not lie!

And every single number you can look at right now tells the exact same story:

  • Demand for "relatively simple" / "early season" type of tax preparation service is declining, rapidly.
  • "TurboTax® and Friends" (the do-it-yourself online software companies) are taking "relatively easy" tax prep clients by the millions.

Ready for some good news though???

The market for tax and accounting help aimed at self-employed / entrepreneur / small business owner clients is absolutely EXPLODING WITH OPPORTUNITIES, and here are a few simple statistics to prove the point:

  • By 2020, half of all American workers will be self-employed (Source: Forbes® Magazine)
  • 5,500 people per day join a network marketing home-based business opportunity (Source: Networking Times Magazine)
  • 27 million new full-time self-employed people within the next two years (Source: Freshbooks® Accounting Software Report)
  • This massive trend towards self-employment creates a massive opportunity for tax professionals who are prepared to capitalize...

However, those tax professionals who are not comfortable and confident working with these client groups should not even attempt the job, because "learning on the job" with these client groups is extremely painful and expensive.

If you see these trends happening, and you want to put yourself in the best position to succeed in this New Era of Tax, the problem now becomes:

  • Where do you get the training you need to feel truly comfortable and confident in working with business tax clients?
  • After all, the experienced CPAs and other highly-experienced tax pros who actually know how to do business tax work at an elite level are not exactly looking to help YOU compete with them, right?

But now, thanks to the Business Tax Verified Training Program developed by CPA Adam Shay and Pronto Tax School Founder Andy Frye, that has changed:

The business tax training you need to succeed is now accessible and affordable for all tax pros!

In this unique, comprehensive training Program, you will learn:

  • How to achieve Schedule C Mastery (yes we know you know Schedule C, but there are other levels to this game!)
  • How to provide tax preparation and consulting services for C corporations
  • How to provide tax preparation and consulting services for S corporations
  • How to provide tax preparation and consulting services for LLCs
  • And much, much more.

The Business Tax Verified Training Program with CPA Adam Shay provides you with a fast, fun, and comprehensive way to participate in the healthiest, fastest-growing segment of the tax industry: self-employed / entrepreneur / small business clients. 

Based on our vast experience in working with these clients, we show you how to avoid the expensive, painful problems that often happen with these client groups, and we also show you how to maximize value for business tax clients so that they are happy to pay you premium prices and send you numerous referrals. 

If you're looking to maximize your earning power in this New Era of Tax, you must be able to do work for business clients at a high level, and that's exactly what we help you do in this Program!

In addition to the comprehensive training materials included in this Program, you'll receive private access to Adam, Andy, and a community of over 200 Business Tax Verified Members who are working towards the same goal as you: to achieve excellence and strong earning power in the New Era of Tax!

The Business Tax Verified Training Program with CPA Adam Shay gives all tax professionals a proven path to capitalize on the biggest trend in the tax industry today: the massive, ongoing, accelerating growth of the self-employed / entrepreneur / small business client group.

The tax industry has changed--and it's not going to "change back." 

Many tax professionals will not adapt to this New Era, and will continue to see their earning power decrease. 

For those who prefer VICTORY, we are here to help you adapt and prosper.


And, yes, we can help!

Meet Your Instructor

Adam started his tax career as a seasonal tax preparer at a Jackson-Hewitt® franchise in Wilmington, North Carolina.Within a few months, Adam was promoted to General Manager of the franchisee's six existing offices. Adam then helped the company open nine more office locations over the next five years.During his time in the "retail" segment of the tax prep business, Adam trained hundreds of tax preparers and supervised the operations of the company out of the main office, processing thousands of tax returns every year.In January of 2010, Adam struck out to start his own business and, in March of 2010, obtained his CPA license. Adam decided to focus on serving entrepreneurs and business owners and that focus continues today.Adam Shay CPA, PLLC has now grown to become a premier tax and accounting firm in Southeastern North Carolina, employing a team of six CPAs and four support staff and earning widespread respect in the business community with his team's proactive, results-oriented approach.

Adam Shay, CPA, MBA

Adam Shay CPA, PLLC

Meet Your Instructor

Andrew Freiburghouse, known as Andy Frye in "Tax World," is a tax consultant and Enrolled Agent (E.A.) licensed to represent taxpayers before all levels of the IRS. Andy started his tax career as a tax preparer at Pronto Income Tax of California, Inc., a third-generation family business with multiple locations based in Southern California. After preparing more than 10,000 tax returns and developing extensive employee training programs within his family business, Andy founded Pronto Tax School, Inc., an online training company that educates and empowers tax professionals and taxpayers nationwide. Pronto Tax School is an IRS-approved education provider that offers credentialing and continuing education certificate programs, as well as career advancement and business development training. Andy is a graduate of Santa Clara University, the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses Program, and The School of Tax Business Hard Knocks.

Andy Frye, EA

Founder & CEO, Pronto Tax School

Course curriculum

  • 01

    S Corporations

    • S Corporation Practice Tax Return #1 (Video Training)

    • S Corporation Practice Tax Return #2 (Video Training)

    • S Corporation Practice Tax Return #3 (Video Training)

    • S Corporation Practice Tax Return #4 (Video Training)

    • S Corporation Practice Tax Return #5 (Video Training)

    • Segmenting Your Database for Business Opportunities (Video Training)

    • Top 3 Marketing Methods to Acquire Schedule C / Small S Corp Clients (Video Training)

    • "How Much Do You Charge?" (Video Training)

    • S Corporation Tax Savings Example (Video Training)

    • How To Identify Profitable Clients (Video Training)

    • More Recorded Live Training with Adam (Video Training)

    • Home Office Deduction for Corporation (Video Training)

    • Timing the S Corporation Election (Video Training)

    • Late S Corporation Election (Video Training)

    • Where to Put Distributions on Form 1120S (Video Training)

    • QuickBooks Handling of Retained Earnings (Video Training)

    • Estimated Tax Payments for S Corporation Shareholders (Video Training)

    • Recorded Live Training with Adam (Video Training)

    • S Corporation Salary When Uneven Cash Flow (Video Training)

    • S Corporation Election Tips & Tricks (Video Training)

    • Network = Net Worth (Video Training)

    • Team Building 101 (Video Training)

    • Impact of Unexpected K-1 (Video Training)

    • Pass-Through Entity Loss Limitations (Video Training)

    • Prior Year Adjustment on Form 1120S Schedule M-2 (Video Training)

    • Tax Tips for Companies with $250K or More Net Profit (Video Training)

    • S Corporation IRS Red Flags (Video Training)

    • Dangers of Setting S Corporation Salary Too Low (Video Training)

    • Another Live Training with Adam! (Video Training)