Course Description

  • Learn which areas of tax law have the most and least questions on the Exam
  • Use our diagnostic testing system and adaptive drills to shore up the weak areas of your tax knowledge 
  • Take simulated exams to hone your test-taking skills — our simulated exams look and feel exactly like the real Exam
  • View real-life examples of tax law in action, to move beyond mere memorization into actual understanding
  • Track your progress and only go take the Exam when you know you're ready!

You can get started today and you'll have 365 days access to all materials so that you can work through the course at your own pace.

If you have questions about whether or not this course is the right fit for your needs, please feel free to contact our customer support team via email or call us (or text message us) directly (310) 422 - 1283.

Why to Become an Enrolled Agent (EA)
How Exactly Is This Credential Going To Benefit You?

How the Program Works


The Diagnostic Pre-Test

As tax professionals, we all have stronger and weaker areas of our knowledge; some topics we deal with all the time, and understand very well, others we rarely see and barely know.  The first step to passing the EA Exam is to know where you need to focus your study.  Our diagnostic pre-test system establishes a "baseline" for your study, showing you exactly which areas you'll need to focus on in order to pass the Exam.  The diagnostic pre-test also acts as the starting point for our historical analysis feature, which shows how much you've improved since you started using our system!


Adaptive Drills

Now that you know where you are now with our diagnostic pre-test, it's time to really dig into the core of our Program: the Adaptive Drills section. Our Adaptive Drills--a series of questions which mimic the real EA Exam--test you on every single topic area on the Exam, once again allowing you to focus your study time on shoring up weaker areas of your tax knowledge.  Explanations are provided for every single question in the Adaptive Drills, including links to the IRS publication that pertain to that question!  Using our Adaptive Drills will cement your existing, strong knowledge areas and shore up weaker areas of your knowledge.  Using Adaptive Drills is the proven way to pass the EA Exam!


Video Explanations, for Everything (Optional)

Included with our "Total Package" option (described below), you can access detailed video explanations for every single topic on the Exam.  We literally go through every topic, in detail, on video.  Use the Adaptive Drills to identify those areas where you need further instruction, then use the Video Explanations to obtain that further instruction.  Then "rinse and repeat" that process--Adaptive Drills to see where you need explanations, then Video Explanations of those topics--for as many topic areas as you need!  Many tax professionals will be able to pass the Exam just using our "Fast Pass" option (described below), but for those who really want to know that you'll pass on the first try, the Video Explanations are a game-changer!


Simulated Exams

Once you've been using the Adaptive Drills and the explanations of each question to test yourself on every part of the Exam topics, it's time to start working with our Simulated Exams.  These practice tests look and feel exactly like the real EA Exam, with the "countdown clock" and everything.  Especially if you are someone who has a bit of a phobia about taking tests, it helps tremendously to take these Simulated Exams.  If you're not scoring at a passing rate yet, simply go back through the Adaptive Drills and topic explanations, and then come back and take the Simulated Exams again.  Once you're consistently passing the Simulated Exams, you'll know--not think, know--you're ready to go pass the Exam with confidence!

Meet Your Instructor

Eva Rosenberg is the Internet’s TaxMama®. She answers tax questions, provides a free daily TaxQuips podcast and weekly Ask TaxMama® ezine, and a wealth of resources to help folks like you deal with your personal and business tax issues at Eva was a syndicated national columnist, writing a tax column for Dow Jones’ for nearly 15 years. She is a best-selling, award-winning author of several books, and is widely regarded as one of the best tax teachers the world has ever known.

Eva Rosenberg, EA, MBA


Additional Course Details

  • Education Provider: Pronto Tax School, Inc.
  • Instructional Delivery Method: QAS Self-Study Program.
  • Program Knowledge Level: Intermediate
  • Prerequisites: General knowledge of federal tax law and its practical application. 
  • Advance Preparation: None
  • Refund / Cancellation Policy: Full refund available within 14 days of purchase if you are unsatisfied for any reason (except if course completed more than 75%, in that case, there will be no refund available, even if within 14 day period).
  • Complaint Resolution Policy: Click the green "Need Help?" button below to contact our support team anytime. We resolve any issues amicably and working as a teammate with our valued Members.