What We'll Discuss in this Exclusive Training with CPA Adam Shay...

Questions Adam will address in this training will include (but not limited to):

1. Why would you want to REVAMP something that's working? Pre-revamp, what wasn't working or what could work better?

2. How did you change the "offer" to business clients, to increase the value and justify a 4x minimum price increase so that the right clients were fine with the price change, because they see the additional value?

3. You must've run a spreadsheet projecting 1) additional income from clients who stay, and 2) loss of clients due to 4x'ing minimum fees. What did that spreadsheet look like? And how did actual results vary from your projections?

4. What does the task list associated with this kind of "major change" look like? How would someone actually do this in a systematic, logical way that's not totally disastrous for client relationships?

5. How did this go, generally, in the first year? Happy clients? Unhappy clients? Examples of each? How many times did you get cussed out?

6. How did this change affect number of clients, revenue per client, profitability, or any other hard numbers type stuff? Did this work financially in the first year, or do you need to give it a few years to see how it pans out?

7. What is your #1 piece of advice for someone on this webinar who wants to do the same thing you did?

Bring your questions, too, because Adam will answer more Q's live during the training.

As part of this training, you'll also receive bonus tools to help you implement, including:

1) Spreadsheet for measuring increased revenue and client loss
2) Client letter template for price increase, and
3) Actionable, step-by-step checklist in case you want to do this or something like this, in real life

Meet Your Instructor

Adam started his tax career as a seasonal tax preparer at a Jackson-Hewitt® franchise in Wilmington, North Carolina.Within a few months, Adam was promoted to General Manager of the franchisee's six existing offices. Adam then helped the company open nine more office locations over the next five years.During his time in the "retail" segment of the tax prep business, Adam trained hundreds of tax preparers and supervised the operations of the company out of the main office, processing thousands of tax returns every year.In January of 2010, Adam struck out to start his own business and, in March of 2010, obtained his CPA license. Adam decided to focus on serving entrepreneurs and business owners and that focus continues today.Adam Shay CPA, PLLC has now grown to become a premier tax and accounting firm in Southeastern North Carolina, employing a team of six CPAs and four support staff and earning widespread respect in the business community with his team's proactive, results-oriented approach.

Adam Shay, CPA, MBA

Adam Shay CPA, PLLC

Course curriculum

  • 01

    Getting Started

    • Webinar Registration Link - Register Now

    • Getting Started Quiz

  • 02

    Training Materials

    • Presentation Slides (PDF)

    • Webinar Recording (Video)

  • 03

    Implementation Tools and Templates

    • Clients & Firm Economic Model

    • Revamp Implementation Checklist

    • Revamp Messaging