Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

So many independent tax pros hit dead ends in our tax careers.  

We get to a point where we're "doing OK" or even doing well, but deep down, we know our tax career is not what we wish it would be.  

  1. We don't have a clear vision of where we want to go.  
  2. And even if we did know where we want to go, we don't know how to get there.
  3. But other than that, we've got it all figured out!  :) 

Andy Frye here, Founder & CEO of Pronto Tax School, Inc.

We've created this Dream Team Membership to help tax professionals build the tax career of your dreams.

STUCK is how I felt in my own tax career for several years and it was not a fun headspace to be in--to feel like you don't know where you're going and you have no clear Vision of what "success" means to you.

So, how do we turn our dreams into our reality?

After educating, encouraging, and empowering over 20,000 tax professionals, we believe the solution to "breaking through" in your tax career can be summarized by the African proverb that says:

"If you want to travel fast, travel alone.  If you want to travel far, travel with friends."

We have therefore created this Dream Team Membership to provide you, the Independent Tax Pro, with a rock solid network of friends and allies, fellow tax pros who actually WANT to see you achieve your tax career dreams, and are willing to travel along with you and help you along your way.

When you join The Dream Team, you'll receive all of these exclusive benefits:

  1. Personalized consultation to help you clarify your Vision of what you want your tax career to be.
  2. Pronto Leadership Team personally reviews your Vision Statement and all Pronto Leadership Team Members commit to helping you achieve your Vision.
  3. Weekly Private Mastermind Meetings led by top-rated Pronto Tax School Members and VIP Guest Speakers.
  4. Tax Business Templates, including compensation structure for hiring tax preparers, job posting ad templates for hiring tax preparers, and other team-building plug-and-play-templates.
  5. 20% discount on all Pronto Tax School products.  (Cannot be combined with any other discount, FYI.)
  6. Call or email our Director of Member Success, Glen Wielandt, a.k.a. "Uncle Glen," whenever you need help with anything.  Glen will assist you with both tax questions and tax business questions.  Anything Glen doesn't know, he'll reach out to other top-performing tax pros in our network and find answers for you.
  7. Use of our proprietary performance optimization software, which helps tax pros and your teams perform at a high level day in and day out.  
  8. Assistance in recruiting and hiring team members.  We'll dig into our database of tax pros and make connections for you when you're seeking to add team members.
  9. Unlimited 1040 webinar upgrades.  No more $37 upgrades for you on 1040-related webinars.  (If you want to also get Business Tax and Tax Problem Resolution webinar upgrades, that's done through our Business Tax Verified Membership here.)
  10. How to Get New Tax Clients Training Course (this the exact training that we give to our Pronto Income Tax Team).
  11. 5 Step Tax Prep System Training (this is the exact "service delivery" training that we give to our Pronto Income Tax Team).

We are chipping in thousands of dollars per month to run this Program and that means you only need to chip in $77 per month to get everything shown above, and move towards achieving the tax career you really want instead of settling for less.

Enrollment is limited, so sign up now if you'd like to join The Dream Team.

If you have any questions about whether or not this Program would be a good fit for you, please feel free to click here to schedule a time to speak with our Director of Member Success, Glen Wielandt.

We look forward to working with you in this Program and we thank you for your interest in joining The Dream Team.

Bundle includes

Here are all the courses that are included in your bundle.

What's Included?

  • Weekly Dream Team Mastermind Meetings with Uncle Glen

  • Personalized consultation to help you clarify your Vision of what you want your tax career to be

  • The Pronto Leadership Team personally reviews your Vision Statement and commits to helping you

  • 20% discount on all Pronto Tax School products

  • Call or email our Director of Member Success, Uncle Glen, whenever you need help

  • Assistance in recruiting and hiring team members

  • Use of our proprietary performance optimization software